18 June 2006, 2pm
Spell 7, Little India
by Jacqueline Tan Publicist, Committee Member
Migrant Voices Drama coach Nina Siew, who is also a Committee Member for Migrant Voices kicked off her first drama workshop with a small group of migrant workers in Little India on Sunday, 18/6. The session was held on the premises of Spell 7 and it revolved around the theme of childhood. Although it was just a small group of six (including Sha Najak and TWC2's Amy Fatah), it was a fun and fruitful workshop that saw the participants coming together to improvise plays in super-quick time. Shipyard worker Richard and construction worker Jeganath showed great acting prowess and moved one of the Indonesian domestic workers to tears with their realistic portrayals of life in a poor rural Indian village. It was Sun TV come alive! Amy Fatah and her group also put up a short powerful playlet about mother-daughter relationships. Amy, who played the daughter, got under the skin of her character so well that she actually broke into tears when her 'mother' was scolding her.The participants were also encouraged to share and give their feedback on the plays they put up. After a short 15-minute break, they gathered for a time of doodling. Most of them depicted scenes of their villages with crayons and colour pencils, with the exception of Jeganath who drew a classical Indian flute -- an instrument he plays with great passion and conviction.A big "thank you" to Nina who conducted the workshop with much aplomb. She kept the energy level up despite the small group and the participants said they'll be back for the next workshop this Sunday, 25/6 at 2pm.We're hoping to get more participants for this workshop, so do help spread the word around! And feel free to drop by at Spell 7 for a look-see or better still, join in the fun!
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